I took this picture of the Flamboyant Hotel in Roseau, Dominica during my recent dive excursion. The island is full of these patterns of colour.
A closer look of the photo reveals a simple 4 story walk up (in need of repair), constructed out of cement blocks to withstand the hurricane winds that routinely blow through the eastern islands of the Caribbean. The colours seem put there to communicate the festivity and celebratory life of its inhabitants, transforming a rather dreary edifice into a fun, almost flamboyant dwelling.
All of this prolegomena brings me to my simple request: If any of you dear readers have glanced over or listened to my books or my recent audio book, Walking the Line, would you consider leaving me a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or The Storygraph or wherever you go for reviews? These reviews are important for engaging new readers and though I find these requests uncomfortable I know they are part of the work of getting a book out into the world. Perhaps together we can create our own colourful patchwork that encourages folk to engage in the discipline of spiritual reading, which might feed their souls at a deeper level of resonance.
Thanks for your consideration on this simple request and next week we will return to spiritual musings that I hope bring refreshment as you live your everyday.