I have a recurring dream of my former days at York University in which I am struggling with a music course for various reasons. I find it peculiar because in my dream I am aware that I have already passed that course and, indeed, graduated. Yet, even with this realization I find it troubling and wake up with a feeling that I have somehow pulled off a quick-witted bunco game.
How encouraging to know that God’s dream for us doesn’t play out as a cosmic charade but actually exists as a loving, affirming reality. God loves us. Period. Only love, love, love, limitless love. An agape love that holds the vastness of creation together, including both our conscious and unconscious realities. Amor is the truth and heart of it all.
Farrell writes it this way:
Realizing Jesus’s vision being dreamed in us is bound to change us. Imagine the dream the Father has for each of us.” (Edward Farrell)
I also have a recurring school dream! Mine is being late to class and then failing a test…grateful for the limitless love of God when my own dream suggests I’ve got some work to do in terms of full stop love for myself. Thanks for your post!