As we begin the season of Advent we are reminded that children are the very centre of this sacred season. All we have to do is look back to the early stories of Elizabeth and Mary embracing and joyfully celebrating the expectation of their holy infants; Mary and Joseph caught up in wonder as Simeon and Anna praise God for their newborn child; an unexpected visitation from travellers bearing gifts for the baby Jesus.
It is true that Advent has much to say to all ages but at the core it is a season focusing on children and all that they can teach us. It’s a time to smile, play, and rejoice in the truth that God has broken into our world and brings all of the hope love and joy that comes in a tiny bundle of God-send. Theresa Cotter reminds us of the importance and truth of children being at the centre of this holy season when she writes,
It is children who regard all of life as mystery; it is children whose universe is play and whose play is their work; it is children who recognize that the commonplace remains ever miraculous while accepting the occurrence of miracles as ordinary acts of the God who loves us . . . it is children who recall to us our imagination and exuberance and creativity; it is children who excel us in natural wisdom; it is children who understand the spirit of the law, refusing to become obsessed with its letter. (Theresa Cotter, Christ is Coming).
So let’s give some time to play (in spite of our gloomy world). Time to run—to chase balls and pucks—to play games together. All as a joyful expression that God journeys with us in Jesus.
A time to remember that we are not forgotten and that our eternally young God will win the day (and not old white men!). Let’s re-learn how to play. Let’s look to our frolicking children in the plaza squares or our rinks and parks who play together and are not always working! Let us shout out our “yes” in response to God’s great “INCARNATIONAL YES” during this season of Advent.