Welcome to my newsletter. Every week I’ll be sharing a thought on the spiritual life, including a quotation that I find helpful from past and present spiritual writers. I hope you find this a useful encouragement in your week (or as I said to my daughter, a kick in the ass!)
In my new book Walking The Line, I include this quotation from Van Breemen in my first chapter. I like it because it reminds us that in his essence God is a God of love.
The heart of sin is that we do not let ourselves be loved by God; in other words, that we do not let God be God. Normally, this refusal to let God be God, be love, does not happen explicitly, but through our lifestyle, which in turn is determined by the order of our priorities. (Peter Van Breemen)
We often get stuck in our own stuff and forget that God is the great Mover towards our own best life.
What do you think? Feel free to add your perspective in the comments below.
As stated "if our priorities are to know God" then we have to believe what He says is true including that we need to repent and acknowledge our need for Him. His great beckoning to us is His great love a part of His character which most of us embrace. God is not just a piece of goodness. It is an essential part of His character. The more we know and understand His love, mercy and forgiveness we can then live our days encouraged by His Spirit indwelling us. He is our comfort. He is our peace.
Have I defined my priorities?...What is vital to my life for today? Who is my anchor?
Great piece! Will look forward to reading each week. The kick (wherever) I needed. And Breemen is a wise man.