I recently attended an art show called “Winter Wonderland 2024’”in the Junction area of Toronto. It was an exhibit described as “visitors immersing themselves in 20 captivating augmented reality (AR) window installations and ten wall murals, showcasing the creativity of both local and international artists.” For me it was fun to hold my phone up and through the use of an app see the artwork come alive with hummingbirds flying, whales swimming, and cartoon figures drawing.
The exhibition reminded me of the beauty of cultural expression and taking time to enjoy the artistic gifts of others in whatever form they show up. In this “art/tech” savvy show the viewer is drawn into the artwork in a participatory manner which is both engaging and entertaining. Not only are the immediate participants drawn into the scene but so are the folk who pass by and ask what’s going on? Nobody wants to miss out! Truly a happy time on a cold Saturday afternoon in old Hogtown.
The deeper connection for me was how the exhibition reminded me of the beauty of all types of artistic expression and how it connects me with the Source of all art emanating from the Divine Artist. It can be ‘high Art’ or ‘popular art’ but the linkage remains the same as it all flows from the spiritual centre of the Creator. The authors Hardy and Ford describe this artistic connection between ‘artist and Artist’ as they employ the language of ‘sacramental concern’:
The sacramental concern is to enter into God’s way of using and enjoying his world. God uses all media to draw the universe into his network of knowledge and love. In the sacramental, the media are both appreciated in themselves and also as pointers to God.
If God’s knowing of the world knits him into everything that is as a respectful presence who wants to be known in return, then there should be no problem of scarcity of knowledge of God. The problem should be the abundance of knowledge of him. This is in fact the case. Everything can be seen as a sign pointing to God. (Hardy and Ford, Jubilate)
The final affirmation is worth underlining: “Everything can be seen as a sign pointing us to God.” If we wake up to this truth then the voice of God is heard regularly and loudly! God wants to know us and to be known. And he uses our artistic gifts to reinforce this crucial point. The invitation is to open our eyes widely and to pay particular attention to creative work of every stripe. More is waiting for us than we expect.
Applause 👏🏾. When I see the talents around me when I hear the words that makes me wonder, …then I look up, again and again and say ‘Yes’ to His creative revelation strewn across the earth. 🌍
Thanks Bobbie for your beautiful response. Our invitation is to say ‘Thanks’ for God’s beautiful creation and presence with us.