I love the idea that “everything is an opportunity to change your heart.” It doesn’t matter what. Everything is an invitation to life. To go deeper. To say “yes.” To see the mystery that flows from the divine muse.
We can open up our hands or can clench our fists. It’s up to us how we respond. But the invitation is always there for us to open up our hearts and lungs and let out a glorious word of thanks to the Giver of Life.
Henri Nouwen speaks to this salient truth:
Kairos means opportunity to change your heart. There are as many opportunities to change your heart as there are events that you’re part of. Everything is an opportunity to change your heart—a friend to visit, the museum, whatever, that’s life. Looked upon from below, it’s chronos; I have to survive, and I have to fight my way through it. Looked at from above, it is kairos; it’s the opportunity to change your heart in everything you do. (Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved)
My friend in Cochabamba, Bolivia has a joyful painting hanging in his café that beckons us: Let’s change our hearts for the good! Make some music! Open our hearts and receive the blessings!
Thanks for sharing Alan. Life isn't stagnant, like a flowing river it continues on its path - ever moving forward on its journey. We choose to move forward or choose to stay anchored, giving up new tomorrow's for a yesterday we can no longer lay claim to. We can either 'open a door, or close it'! We all have choices...
Was surprised at announcement, but fully believe God will be with you as you and your family journey on! Best wishes to your new adventure!
A message straight to my heart today. I'm reminded in some strange way that sadness can be replaced by joy by a peculiar act of the will. Our Christian life needs to have intentionality. It doesn't just happen to us.