The irony of the firefly ...that which you do may never be seen by all. A firefly bueaty is not seen during the day nor obvious at night in a city. Yet it's worth the bueaty it possessed. Only Father knows the truth, so we in our own pandora box holds jewels that shines when purpose demand. A king or queen wear their jewel according to occasion, not wearing a priceless one doesn't negate being royalty. So purpose must meet time and each one display their own bueaty according to what they are given....Only One the Creator Jehovah all glory belongs as a firefly in darkness complements the chirping birds in the sun.

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Thanks Alan, Miep indeed let her light shine during a terrible chapter in History. Being kind towards one another including one another invites folks to come into 'your' light. Let' hope that folks don'tcre-enter that time of darkness.


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