Oh Pastor Alan, I often marveled at your spiritual insights. “Yet, beneath it all the warm earth quietly carries the seeds of life—physically and spiritually”.
I ponder often sometimes shaking my head when I see clear through my storms. And while I try to quiet down to grasp the seed the Holy Spirit revealed. That can be a task with so many moving parts.
Your musing gave a rush as I just read John 5. And see how Jesus was hated for calling Abba Father etc in this chaotic scene. So I ponder….what is wrong there…isn’t Abba the Father of all flesh and God of all. Just a seed is required and the Spirit will do the rest I said to myself. And even if you don’t understand it all… the season will take care of it. I’m trying to let go myself😌
Footnote: we are all in the storm just that our individual circumstances may be different. And we all benefit from that one seed. So I wait for my seed to burst through the harsh realities…..Blessings Pastor Alan💜
Oh Pastor Alan, I often marveled at your spiritual insights. “Yet, beneath it all the warm earth quietly carries the seeds of life—physically and spiritually”.
I ponder often sometimes shaking my head when I see clear through my storms. And while I try to quiet down to grasp the seed the Holy Spirit revealed. That can be a task with so many moving parts.
Your musing gave a rush as I just read John 5. And see how Jesus was hated for calling Abba Father etc in this chaotic scene. So I ponder….what is wrong there…isn’t Abba the Father of all flesh and God of all. Just a seed is required and the Spirit will do the rest I said to myself. And even if you don’t understand it all… the season will take care of it. I’m trying to let go myself😌
Footnote: we are all in the storm just that our individual circumstances may be different. And we all benefit from that one seed. So I wait for my seed to burst through the harsh realities…..Blessings Pastor Alan💜
Hi Donnett, Thanks for sharing and I do agree that we are all in the storm even though the circumstances differ for us all. Good point.
“The seed is still. The soil is alive. And the Spirit yields life giving energies to all who open their hands to receive Her.” Love this.
Hey, Thanks for your encouraging comment! I appreciate it!