The Psalmist has a curious line where he refers to us Homo Sapians as ‘passing guests’ living out our lives on planet earth before our loving Host (Psalm 39:12). To say it another way—we are beings who live before our hospitable God and are invited to do so in a loving relationship.
This Psalm was the inspiration for my new book.
Each day—in every season—winter, spring, summer and fall—we are to be conscious that we are God’s children and to be attentive to his loving presence. We are not to forget. We are not to become so distracted by the challenges of life that we lose the sense of our Divine connection. Everything else is secondary to this ultimate reality of knowing and loving God. Why? Because it is only this relationship that lasts forever. It is the most powerful life force that energizes us and binds us to the jewel of resurrection life.
Our invitation is to keep listening to God’s voice throughout our seasonal journey in time.
During the winter season of cold (both chronologically and spiritually). The freezing heart. The moribund mind. The inward curl that shuts everyone and everything else out.
Then the sudden burst of spring that surprises us with its passion and power. Where did it come from to waken us from our deep sleep? Marigolds and mariposas. Who would ever have thought of such things to trigger our creative forces?
Summer. The heat, burning sand, the refreshing glacial waters. A time to spread out our thoughts and put them back together in brand new ways. A time to breathe deep and be invigorated by sunny days that seem like they will never end.
Autumn leaves. A myriad of colours that rain down upon us with God’s celestial outpouring. Who needs anything else after such a serendipitous expression of infinite love? Varicoloured leaves scattering upon the ground becoming a carpet of red before the winter snows return once again.
Always the invitation is to be mindful of God’s compassionate love as we travel through these seasonal changes. Our tendency is to forget. To be distracted. To become spiritually lost. Yet the opportunity is all around us—that God’s love is fiercely present. And it can never, ever, be extinguished!
May this book be a helpful tool to remind you of God’s loving, tender presence. May it be a support in whatever season of life you are passing through at this time.
Thank you for your work!
True Pastor Alan, God’s love is fiercely present.