Yes to silence and the still small voice.

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Yes indeed, ‘to silence and the still small voice of Abba’.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Alan Davey

Hi Alan,

Simon + Garfunkle! Oh yeah, have the album!😁

Finding peace, well, I have the pleasure of listening to Don Salmon's music often accompa ied with Scripture and pics. He is on you-tube. Very relaxing and takes you away from the hurry burly of the day to day Many years ago we attended the same church, he has a 1000 followers. If you visit his site, go to the one on Fall!

Thanks for sharing!

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I agree music always works well for creating a mood of stillness. Thanks for the suggestion of Don Salmon’s music. Cheers.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Alan Davey

The best silence for me can be found sitting against a stall door at the horse barn where I ride, hearing the horses munch on hay. Makes me feel close to heaven. The still small voice seems louder there.

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Thanks Mieke! What a great image of hearing the horses munching on hay and sensing the presence of God! I like it!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Alan Davey

Thank you for this reflection. Indeed, silence is an invite to have a one on one with the divine, with the One who has been waiting for us since the dawn of time.

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Great insight John—‘a one-on-one with the Divine’. Amen.

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