I love this…humans are complex yet we tend to not take the time to listen, to participate, there’s more being said and need to be done, to recognize the unique value of everyone, to experience a bit of God in my brothers and sisters, it could be exciting that what we do might just positively impact the future of someone else!

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Hey Bobbie, Yes I like that—what we do can truly impact the life of someone else for good! Right on!

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P.S. this is a beautiful picture. I learned those women's names and held their baby. They were kind and generous

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This is the line that stuck with me..."And reducing the broad horizons that people hold and we feel are incorrect."

I love difference. I love culture because its different. It teaches me how to live, as it is usually more open to difference than not. When I imagine us all being the same, it scares me. And, if put in a situation where someone's thoughts are extremely different, I still struggle to let it be. Difference is holding us together. In the long run, even if comfortable at first, I worry we wouldn't survive.

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