Apr 4Liked by Alan Davey

Oh yes Pastor Alan. I often wonder if only we find our individual purpose many things will be better. I often consider the trees ..never seems to discredit the other as each serve a purpose. The bay tree maybe different but it has a more unique purpose and maybe there many like the bay tree. All draw from One Source … Water and Jesus is our Living Water and gives us light of life. All Glory is Abba so with hands up like the trees earth stretches to heaven in praises and thankfulness. 🤔🤔🤔 ever noticed a plant glean towards the sunlight yet in some circumstances too much water or Sun can destroy the plant…mystery. Yet the Glory is God as the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof.

Funny one tree is splendour but a grove can give much shade or a unique landscape and in Fall seasons how beautiful the different colours. Love you Pastor Alan… always musing my week❤️

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Apr 2Liked by Alan Davey

Enjoyed the poem Alan, thanks for posting!🙏

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