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GM my dear Pastor Alan, yes passing guess which even Jesus grace us with. I like this...."We have our moment under God’s sun to make our mark". Suddenly I remember. Jesus is Love yet when on earth not accepted even in the face of signs, miracles and wonder.

So the artist different posture, the seasons different so where is the balance? Where is the uniqueness? None.

So we are all fearfully and wonderful made and to worhsip Abba in spirit and Truth (guided by the Living Word" while comfort by the Holy Spirit.

It's very very hard navigating the different seasons even to anticipate the next one and in each one we may say...it's too hot or cold or rainy etc not realizing it's God Providence.. this is where I am trying to stay calm asking forgiveness for complaining.

But each morning grace us to invite the guests of the Holy Spirit as oh boy I sure do need Him now...the other day i cuss like a sailor ( my stormy season) so I pray that I could sit face to face with Holy Spirit....I want to settle this once and for all...m having all 4 seasons . 😔

Blessings Pastor Alan ❤️

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